
The information on this website has been checked thoroughly. However, we are not liable for accuracy, completion, and actuality of its entire contents at all times. The note of caution applies particularly for information regarding generic advice on treatment, diagnostic principles and risks, and details/dosages of medication. Prescriptions and clinical advice are made by the gastroenterology or anaesthetic consultant in clinical consultations. Information on this website shall not be used as substitute for professional advice or clinical treatment, which require professionally qualified doctors, nurses and other health care professionals.

Disclaimer for Prescriptions

Medicines on private prescription from Dr Auth can be used for dispensing at your local pharmacy and are available in the UK at time of prescription. Please ask your GP to convert the private prescription (using this letter) to an NHS prescription and until this is in place, you can ask your pharmacist to dispense the volume/package size for the duration needed during the interim period. If your pharmacists is unable to order or provide a medicine prescribed or the price quoted by your pharmacist appears very (or excessively) high, please check with other pharmacists and do not hesitate to compare and question prices quoted as these are discretionary.


Links to other sites

Links to original sources are provided as points of reference. We are not responsible for the content of these homepages or sources and have no influence upon their accuracy.


Data protection

See our site for content on Patient privacy.



Consent of the individuals for pictures of professionals and for children in consultation have been obtained by the professionals, parents and patients.



Dr Marcus Auth Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist and M Auth Ltd, Copyright 2024.



M Auth Ltd.   Registered in England and Wales with No. 10713201
Bank: Santander.   Account: 12181364   Sort code:       090129
Main Practice and Accounts Manager: Dr Sabine Auth.

Mobile 07519 578983 e-mail: drsauth23@protonmail.com

Reception and Administration: Joanna Rosedale



How to contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you:

·       By email to drsauth23@protonmail.com

·       Or write to us at: Dr Marcus Auth, The Nuffield Health Grosvenor Hospital, Wrexham Rd, Chester CH4 7QP

·       Or phone us on: 01244 677985 / 07519 578983